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Oct 28, 2021

This week the FMB crack the spine on the Book of Saw and flip forward to it's eighth, most recent chapter. Does this Chris Rock-starring franchise glow-up cut it? Or is the film itself a sadistic machine designed to torture audience via hackneyed dialogue, baffling performance choices and generic plot trappings? Play...

Oct 21, 2021

This week grab a paintbrush, your favourite shade of oil-based paint, and help the FMB slather this four-wheeled people-mover with a fresh coat of whatever you damn well please. 

This patchwork episode sees the FMB finally get around to watching the infamous , toe-tapping 28 carat Western musical Paint...

Oct 14, 2021

The FMB saddle up for a rather obscure proto-spaghetti Western, Gunfight at Red Sands; notable for some unintentional comedy, anachronistic background detail and composer Ennio Morricone's first foray into the genre that ended up defining a large part of his career. 

the FMB ride again next week with Paint Your Wagon

Oct 7, 2021

We return this week to another Kevin Costner epic. Oliver Stones JFK.

Don your tin foil hats, warm up a bowl of etouffee and lets enjoy another episode in the south of America and really get down to the bottom of Tommy Lee Jones' haircut

Next week - Gunfight at the Red Sands