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Sep 23, 2020

This week the FMB navigate the neurotic mindscape of Charlie Kaufman's latest directorial feature "i'm thinking of ending things".
There's a lot to chew on with this one and opinions on the film's meaning and quality pinball wildly among our three hosts; which, if anything, is probably the desired effect. 

next week:...

Sep 17, 2020

YEAW! This week polish up that rebel yell and grab yourselves a bowlful of Shakey Pudding as you listen to our hosts (and returning guest) talk more Burt Reynolds in the first instalment of the shine-runnin', rubber burnin' Gator film series: White Lightning. 

next week: I'm Thinking of Ending Things 

Sep 9, 2020

This week, recurring guest Sean reappears and zaps the FMB back into the past as we revisit a childhood favourite, the star-making Michael Caine war epic "ZULU".

Given the context, they quickly set to discussing the racial and colonial aspects of the film before going into historical accuracy, the film's influence and...

Sep 2, 2020

They day has finally arrived. After three delayed release dates, those fortunate enough to venture outdoors for a trip to the theatre are free to induce an aneurysm by watching Christopher Nolan's latest: "Tenet".

Our hosts, with guest Anand, sit down and discuss the films palindromic plot, performances and questionable...