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Jan 24, 2018

Tobi is back! To celebrate, Tobias and Maciej decided to tackle a film that for the Movie Boys was long, long overdue...and then decided to do The Shape of Water instead!

In this ep we show lots of love for GDT's new film and Michael Shannon in particular (and not enough for the other Michael unfortunately).


Jan 17, 2018

In our last episode before Tobi's return, our generous benefactor Saleem "The Dream" Abraham shoots the shit with Maciej about all things Jumanji...but mostly the sequel. 

The boys get sucked into Jumanji's surprisingly spacious jungle and have no choice but to talk about this movie for an hour straight or until some...

Jan 10, 2018

Tobi's still in Japan, so after a couple of wines, Maciej and his good chum Phillip took to the mic to discuss their mutual undying love for national treasure, Hugh Jackman.  

So deep runs their love for The Greatest Showman, that the first 20 mins of the episode is dedicated to recapping his performance in Les...

Jan 3, 2018

It's 2018 and to help ease us into a Tobiless episode, his loving brother Nick agreed to come on and help fill the void.

In what unexpectedly turned out to be another monster episode, the boys talk David Ayer and Max Landis' multimillion dollar Netflix gamble, Bright. (Heads Up: a good chunk of this episode...